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December 31, 2006

The Mystery of Picasso

In 1955, French director, Henri-Georges Clouzot had the most amazing idea. He would film Pablo Picasso as he painted 20 artworks, ranging from quick sketches to widescreen color oil paintings.

My favorite are the oils, which were captured using time lapse photography. They're mesmerizing and give a fascinating insight to the artist's spontaneous process. The French government also liked the film—in 1984, it declared The Mystery of Picasso National Treasure. Unfortunately, because of contractual obligation, almost all of the art created for this film was destroyed at the end of the production.

Above is only one of the paintings from the film, taken from start to finish. The entire film is available on Amazon.

December 31, 2006 | Permalink


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» El misterio de Picasso from meneame.net
En 1955, al director francés Henri-Georges Clouzot se le ocurrió que sería interesante poder grabar la evolución de un cuadro de Picasso a medida que lo pintaba. Grabó el proceso de creación de unas 20 obras y lo llamó El misterio de Picasso"... [Read More]

Tracked on Jan 4, 2007 10:11:19 AM

» roundup from yosefblog
what if great photographers were peer reviewed by online amateurs? did I post this before?1964 profile of Bob Dylan10 kick-ass opening creditsmovie of a picasso painting in action (more info here) most of this stuff is from kottke (he's gotten... [Read More]

Tracked on Jan 4, 2007 3:02:02 PM

» The Mystery of Picasso from
In 1955, French director, Henri-Georges Clouzot had the most amazing idea. He would film Pablo Picasso as he painted 20 artworks, ranging from quick sketches to widescreen color oil paintings. [Read More]

Tracked on Jan 4, 2007 5:13:17 PM

» links for 2007-01-26 from chris bruzzi . com
Time-lapse video of a painting being created by Picasso (tags: art movie) The Best Links 2006 (kottke.org) (tags: *toread) [Read More]

Tracked on Jan 25, 2007 11:17:42 PM


Utterly amazing! Well done. To see how Picasso layers paint, draws lines etc. is so, I don't know, rewarding? magical? Pick an adjective. Great post.

Posted by: Kenny | Jan 4, 2007 10:46:57 AM

Thanks for posting this - great fun to watch.

But what kind of contract requires art to be destroyed?

Posted by: mark F. | Jan 6, 2007 12:46:12 PM

It's terribly interesting to actually see the realistic bull transform into planes, into multidimensional perspectives laid about a two dimensional surface. I just got to see some of Picasso's other works at the Met in NY a couple days ago. I didn't know there were progression videos-I just wish they had some for El Greco's work!

Posted by: Heliux | Jan 6, 2007 10:22:59 PM

I came here via Google Video and hope you don't mind that I lifted your text and posted it with the video to my blog. I have linked it back to your blog.

Posted by: andrea | Jan 27, 2007 9:56:39 AM

its an interesting to see it, the time lapse sounds like an interesting concept.

Pablo Picasso certainly was a man of deep contradictions. Picasso was a self avowed communist. However, he was also one of the world's wealthiest artists, leaving his heirs an estate valued at $260 million ($1.5 billion in 2008 dollars) when he died in 1973. Pablo Picasso once remarked, 'I like to live like a poor man, except with lots of money'. ha-ha


Posted by: claud cubre | Nov 19, 2008 4:58:24 AM

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